Seminar for Enterprise Architecture Implementation and Management Enabling the Zachman Framework and Managing Change
Toronto Oct 6-8, 2008
Enterprise Content Management, ECM, almost always involves deep changes in an enterprise’s information architecture beyond the specific solution.
A group that I’m associated with has a seminar taking place in October (Oct.6-8) on Enterprise Architecture. The seminar sponsored by the Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence (EACOE) and Arcus Group. The seminar is being held in Canada (Toronto) for the first time, details can be found at this page on the Arcus Group site.
This 3 day event is focused on Architecture Management and Implementation. The first day is geared to senior executives who wish to launch or refresh enterprise architecture departments within their IT organizations. It will provide the necessary basic information about the purpose and benefits of Enterprise Architecture and show best practices in managing the human, process and technology sides of change.
For the second and third day, focus will be on implementation strategies and activities that result in concrete action plans with clear steps on how to implement Enterprise Architecture models and standards based on one of the industry’s leading frameworks called Zachman Framework.
The seminar leaders are Sam Holcman and Merril Mascarenhas. Sam is Managing Director of EACOE and President of Pinnacle Business Group and Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement (ZIFA)and is a recognized expert in research and application of business process engineering and enterprise architecture. Merril is Managing Partner of Arcus Group and an expert in the human side of Change Management.