My morning commute today featured the net@nite podcast netcast interview with Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales. He had some interesting points about software design supporting communities such as Wikipedia. He draws the obvious connections between the Wikipedia community and those that produce open source software. His commercial initiatives are building on the expertise on community management gained with Wikipedia and it seemed to me that this is the direction that the Internet seems to be taking.
It continues to blow me away how a small group (a half-dozen, in Wikipedia’s case) can create and manage a resource the size and popularity of Wikipedia.
The interview was interesting for its social rather than its technical content. (My question to Jimmy would have been about Wikipedia infrastructure… see how shallow I can be?) 🙂
TORONTO – The Portable Consultant last night awarded Leo Laporte, creater of the media conglomerate, with an impromptu award at the “Inside the Net” Taping & Meetup held at Liberty Village’s No Regrets restaurant and lounge.
The award was in recognition of Mr. Laporte’s long term contribution to both Old Media and Podcasting Netcasting and for being such a fine example for those over the age of 32 40 45 who enjoy listening to his shows in order to work up the courage to become podcasters netcasters themselves.
A pre-owned copy of Mitch Miller’s Fireside album was presented after the taping. The award was contingent on the understanding that Leo will share it with Steve Gibson of Security Now. “That’s funny”, said Laporte.
The Portable Consultant, seated in a one-man Peanut Gallery behind people who had been hugged by Amber MacArthur, also took the opportunity to instruct staff at No Regrets in the finer points of selling Moosehead lager.
ECM infrastructure architecture… and unrelated matters.