Category Archives: Emerging

emerging technologies & trends related thereto

Ubuntu shortcomings

After The Portable Consultant wrote the preceding piece on his Kubuntu frustrations, he came across a couple of postings by O’Reilly’s Caitlyn Martin that he found he had to agree with. Having worked with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu for several revisions now the shortcomings of these fine open source products are all the more frustrating because of their high aims and high profiles.

The first article is Ubuntu is a Poor Standard Bearer for Linux but you need to read the follow up article, How Canonical Can Do Ubuntu Right to get a fair understanding of her position.


BBC on ‘The Press Under Pressure’

The Portable Consultant caught the BBC’s Peter Day podcasts on The Press Under Pressure, a two part series on newspapers versus new media and journalism in the era of blogs.

Knowing the BBC, the following link is likely to disappear after about 7 days. Why? Because BBC policy is to remove podcasts for (some?) shows after a week. Why? Nobody knows… not the fellow who responded on behalf of the BBC to my question and not the thousands of listeners, many of whom pay for the BBC as a public service.

Anyway if these podcasts interest you, get them now!

Peter Day’s World of Business page

Press Under Pressure, part 1

Press Under Pressure, part 2


ps: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to share these legally downloaded podcasts with those who were unfortunate enough to have missed the publication window. These podcasts will self-destruct in 7 days.