Category Archives: Open Source

open source: more than just a good idea

Novell/Microsoft pact bearing fruit?

The recently announced pact between Novell, publishers of SuSE Linux, and Microsoft, whose software empire is increasingly threatened by Linux and open source, has borne “fruit” in the form of “greater interoperability” between Novell’s version of OpenOffice and Microsoft Office document formats.

The Novell press release is here… it will be interesting to hear the reaction from the wider open source community since they have generally condemned the terms of the Novell/Microsoft agreement.

This is precisely the sort of “advance” that Novell claims the agreement makes possible. Criticism of the agreement has included issues raised about the possible effect of possible proprietary code additions open source software and the validity of Novell’s payment to Microsoft under the terms of the GNU public license.

This announcement will be carefully scrutinized and commented on by open source communities.


Update [2006.12.06]:

I came across the following examples of the discussion taking place:

OpenOffice Blesses Microsoft-Novell Pact

Novell vs The World (The Geek Spot blog)

…and the latter links to some additional commentary.

British Computer Society member worries about open source

“What we really need from government is an investigation of the long-term effects of OSS on our indigenous software industry.”-ITNOWextra -member view- September 2005

Before you go jetting off to Vancouver’s OSCMS conference, just take a moment to reflect on all the trouble that open source causes.

You may decide it would be better to get together with some friends and destroy a few textile machines!

Via: Simon Phipps’s The Mink Dimension


OSCMS Vancouver Summit

OCMS Vancouver 2006 poster image

The OSCMS Summit (aka the Open Source Content Management Systems and Blogging Tools Summit) is taking place in Vancouver on February 7th. – 9th., 2006.

From my scanning of their site it seems very Drupal-oriented; that is, there doesn’t appear to be as wide a range of open source participants as at some other conferences, but it’s always good to see people getting together.
